Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More Confirmation this Week...

I was on the way back from Melaka (its my usual routine every weekends) and decided to call all the ACSians in my phone list... I know many of you are too busy to reply the email, leave a message on the blog and also sms. So I decided to give it a shot by calling each of you all.. (sorry the phone list i have is really limited)..

Yeah Good News, Manage to get another 7 - YES to go for the reunion. Am very excited as i am looking forward to more replies next week. Thanks to those who reply YES without hestitation.

For those who are still considering, please do make yourself available for this special occasion. It's time to meet up with all our old friends after 10 years.

There are few queries i faced as many of you replied to me that you are actually waiting to see who are in the Attendance List before considering whether to go for this gathering. I really hope that you can make up your mind and ask your friends to come along. Who knows they are also waiting to see if you are on the list...

Another concern is that there are not many Arts & Vocassional friends joining this gathering, yeah we have only Lam Chi Loon heading that group. He is making his best efforts to call his gangs to join us too. Let's pray that more friends are joining us soon.

The success of this gathering is not on me but on everyone's effort.

Let's together make this a success (Thanks Judy for the cheers) ...

Speak soon.